We would like to share a review of MAXST AR SDK by The Grim Company, which develops various AR contents using media and painting.
"We chose MAXST AR SDK because of its high stability and reasonable price."
MAXST talked about MAXST AR SDK with the CEO of The Grim Company.
The Grim Company developed SFUNGEAR, which was also introduced as our use case in 2021, and as of now, the app has more than 50,000 downloads.
Check out the previous post👇
SFUNGEAR is being actively used in many places, including The garden of Van Gogh in Jeju Island, AR Trickart Story in Incheon, AR Fairytale Village in Daejeon, and AR 3D Art Museum in the United States and Canada.
Even during the COVID-19 period, The Grim Company was able to overcome the crisis and grow steadily thanks to MAXST's AR technology.
You can find out more by playing the video below!😆
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to CEO Shin of The Grim Company for responding to the interview.🙇♀️
We plan to introduce numerous customers and use cases of MAXST AR SDK in the future.
Experience the recently released MAXST AR SDK 6.0, which is light but powerful, reasonable, and optimized for AR app development.
👇Try it now for free
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