MAXST has been selected as the managing company for XR Metaverse Project promoted by the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT! 🤩
XR Metaverse Project is a government business about a metaverse platform that connects the real world and services through augmented reality by creating a virtual space like reality. Ultimately, it is to build the XR metaverse ecosystem. MAXST will be funded a total of $7.1 million by 2022.
MAXST is a leading company as well as a metaverse platform professional developer, participating in this XR metaverse project.
The consortium is composed of ALPHA CIRCLE to develop metaverse platform together, WYSIWYGSTUDIOS∙SPACE ELVIS∙Letsee to develop service content, AR glass developer LetinAR∙ Panovision, and Gumi Electronics & Information Technology Research Institute in charge of quality certification and testing.

Through this project, MAXST will provide various XR services such as AR-based travel information, AR space guidance for the disadvantaged, customized AR advertisement for each store, user experience-type AR exhibition, AR mission game, AR navigation, XR telepresence, etc. Therefore, service users can use the XR service in the business application areas (Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul, Bukchon Hanok Village, and Independence Hall of Korea in Cheonan) by downloading only one integrated application.

MAXST will show the AR platform development know-how accumulated for more than 10 years in the metaverse field and build a world where virtual space and augmented reality coexist as we carry out the XR Metaverse Project.
Please give us your interest and support for the XR metaverse ecosystem that MAXST will create in the near future!
If you are curious about MAXST's Virtual Convergence Technology (XR), please check the MAXST platform and solution’s official websites below.
MAXST Homepage:
MAXST AR SDK Developer Site:
MAXWORK Website:
MAXST VPS Website:
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